The International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) enables unique identification of sound recordings and music videos internationally. ISRC identifies recordings (phonograms and videograms) and not physical products (carriers).

So there is no conflict with existing product catalogue numbering systems with which it co-exists. Each recording has its own unique ISRC code. It identifies the recording throughout its life. The ISRC has been developed in order to facilitate the accurate exchange of information on the ownership, the use of recordings and to simplify the administration of rights in them.
By identifying all sound and music video recordings that are released, regardless of the format that they are released in, the ISRC enables the tracking and tracing of these recordings through the music value chain, which makes it a useful tool, among others, in the fight against piracy.
How to obtain the ISRC?
The ISRC System makes it possible for rightholders to apply for the ISRC Code, independent of their ZPAV membership. The ISRC is generally assigned by the first owner of the recording or the current rightholder. To seek the ISRC, one should submit a relevant application to ZPAV.
The application should be submitted by an entity who holds the producer’s rights to the phonogram in the meaning of Article 94 paragraph 3 of the copyright law i.e. the owner of rights to the recording (most often a recording company/music company, sometimes an artist, a group). The application should include the following details: (name of an entity/first and last name, address, contact details). It should be submitted by e-mail to the indicated address, in any form (as no specific application form is required).
ZPAV only allocates the producer’s code and the rest of the code for particular recordings is allocated by the producer in accordance with set principles. The respective codes are encoded within the track in the mastering process (similarly as e.g. the length of a recording), and in case of digital recordings – as metadata information.
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